Bonsoir! (after 6:00 in the evening!, learned from my girlfriend, Leith)
Today gave me an extra strong sense and appreciation of service. As President Obama called for service to community on this day, eight years after the terrorist attacks on September 11th, it helped me appreciate how fulfilling service and community are.
Sometimes I forget what in the name of Peter from Family Guy my life has to do with service. Life as a Fire Prevention Specialist in the Santa Clara Fire Department can sometimes make my day feel like one of monotony, and not quite service.
The hot, sweltering heat of the day prompts me to have a water bottle and sunglasses within reach at all times during inspections, and walking through each and every one of the oven-like, preheated $69 per night motel units spraying canned smoke at detectors. My girlfriend, and highlight of my day,
Trying to remain respectful, yet forceful, in telling an owner strapped in a Louis Vuitton business suit, that, in no way are these poor, innocent people whom this riche guy in a fancy, schmancy suit makes this arrogant, materialistic living off of, to be brought onto the second floor of his recently purchased run-down real estate. What is this all about?
Whether your call to service is to volunteer to help build homes, serve in a soup kitchen, join the Peace Corps, or run as a politician, this day will forever symbolize service.
Your job helps so many people in the long run. You should be proud of yourself. I am. :-)